Concrete – Should I move this support post in the basement


I am trying to create a new bedroom in the basement. The first problem I hit is that there is this short concrete "wall" with a post coming out of it. Actually, the post is 3 2×4's joined together. If I leave it as-is, it would make the future bedroom a few feet shorter than if I were able to remove it.

Weird small wall with post growing out of it

My first thought was to put in a temporary post, jackhammer out the wall, take out the original post, and replace it. However, that seems kind of daunting for a couple of reasons:

  1. How to build a new post? Maybe jackhammer out some of the floor slab then fill it in so that it sits below the floor and not just on top of it.

  2. This seems like it would be a "structural modification" which requires getting a construction permit and having things inspected, and I'm wary of that because all the other improvements to this 1925 house (such as replacing knob and tube wiring) were clearly done not up to code.

With that in mind, I'm thinking it would be better to rent a concrete saw and cut that wall vertically close to the post, so I can jackhammer it out without disturbing the post.

Any advice is appreciated!

Best Answer

That is really sketchy. Built-up 2x4s aren't great for carry loads - something like a 4x4 is much much better.

If you want to replace it, a temporary support on each side, take out the wall, dig out a section of the floor, and then pour a footing underneath, let it cure, then put in a replacement post. Steel is a lot more common for this usage than wood.