Concrete – Stone, Brick, Concrete. Which material is the heaviest per cubic inch


I'm building a mobile fence and and have limit space to hold down my poles.

I wanted to know what is heaviest material per cubic inch.

Stone, Brick, Concrete… or What?

enter image description here

This is the limited space I have to work with. 10 inches x 5 inches x 2 inches

Best Answer

That kind of information is easy to find with google. Here's one of the first that came up for me:

Concrete - 150 lbs/ft^3

Brick - 120 lbs/ft^3

Crushed stone - 100 lbs/ft^3

Limestone - 171 lbs/ft^3

If you really want some weight, go with cast iron - 450 lbs/ft^3

You're diagram shows 100 in^3 which is 0.058 ft^3

Concrete will be the easiest to work with in this application, but would come to just 8.7 lbs A bit more then a gallon of water (8.3 lbs)