Concrete – Suspending a chair lift swing from a single pole


My wife's family used to run a ski area and she has one of the original 2-seater chair lifts when they replaced it with a bigger lift.

I recently refinished it as a gift to her and we we wanted to mount it in our yard similar to the picture I've attached.

I have two questions, any resources around the best size of steel tubing? It looks like the picture maybe uses 3-4 inch, but couldn't find any info on wall thickness.

Also how far to sink it in the ground and how much concrete to use. The lift is about 8 feet and with about 2 foot ground clearance The post itself will be about 10 feet above ground and then offset a couple feet.

I have someone willing to do all the fabrication for me, I just need to figure out how many additional feet the post should be to be stable in the ground.

enter image description here

Best Answer

May I suggest a slight alternative? My preference is to avoid tossing the CM (center of gravity) way off from the submerged portion of the support pole. How about fabbing a support like this. Perhaps increase the off-center vertical part's length if you want to "swing" without feet hitting the diagonal stretch.

enter image description here