Concrete – What affects the cost of a concrete driveway installation


We have an existing wraparound driveway, and with our daughters looking to get cars we're looking to add a few pads on the side for parking. I called around to talk to different contractors, as well as posted on Craigslist. Google tells me it should cost $7 – $10 installed, so I estimated a budget of $3k for approximately 300 square feet.

I've now received seven quotes. Five of them fall between $5000 and $6600 ($16 – $22 / sqft). One was $2500 and another was $1700 ($6 – $8 / sqft). The numbers vary wildly, and I'm wondering why they're so different. Specifically, my concerns are that because I don't understand what can cause the difference in cost:

  • I may miss that one contractor is using superior materials or techniques
  • I may miss communicating a part of the project scope that matters to the cost

In all cases I have communicated a need for minimum 4" thickness and 4000 psi concrete, as well as a need for them to haul away dirt after digging and finish/texture the driveway to match the existing. What else may account for the wild variations in quotes? I don't want to pay way more than I need to as money is tight, but I also don't want to end up with a maintenance headache a few years down the road.

Best Answer

As you've seen, prices vary widely. That's why it's a good idea to shop around and ask for references. Some operations just don't want to bother with small jobs like yours, so they quote you a high number in the hope that you'll pick someone else. If you pick them, you pay for the "privilege". Some quote low-ball prices and I'd be wary of them. Yes, there are dishonest outfits. They may use shoddy materials and do crappy work or they may have "unforseen" issues that will cost you more once the job is started. You name the scam and there is a contractor who does it.

If if were me, I would look closely at those that are in the middle which is where things should cost.

Also, in most areas there are only a few concrete suppliers and their prices are usually quite close. Call and ask their price per yard delivered for 4000 psi mix. From that and the number of yards needed you should be able to estimate the concrete cost.