Concrete – What happens if I paint a concrete floor without pre-treating it


I recieved some free polyurethane/alkyd based floor paint and painted my garage floor (used as a woodworking shop).

I did not pre-treat it in any way, just cleaned it. The workshop is relatively new (2014) and the floor was just screed flat (really well done job though).

From what I've come to understand you should grind the floor first, or acid etch it.

How big a miss is this on my part, is my floor going to peel off very easily, or is it mostly a looks question?

I don't need a perfectly flat and shiny floor, just want a brighter color that is easier to sweep clean.

Best Answer

The point of the sanding or etching is to encourage adhesion by removing contaminants and roughing up the surface to give the paint something to stick to. You may or may not have problems - hopefully you won't but if you do you'll know what to do before you repaint.