Connect two separate ducts systems together


My apartment, which I own, is split upstairs by two hallways. Each hallway has its own A/C unit, to cool 6 single person rooms each. Recently the south side A/C broke. I have called the repairmen out a few times and a couple days after they leave there's another problem, in the mean time the residents are complaining of the heat.

My question is, can I buy an air duct and connect the North and South hallway air conditioning ducts together? At least until I buy a new unit, or get it fixed.

(Yes, we called a different A/C repair company.)

Best Answer

It won't hurt anything as a temporary fix. The existing one side of the AC system will have about the same cooling capacity, but each side of the apartment will now have one-half the cooling capacity, assuming the same amount of air is delivered to each side which is unlikely given the extension and turns needed to jumper to the other side (extra pressure drop). The AC will run longer, and will probably not even meet the thermostat set point so will run continuously. If it does ever turn off, say at night, at least the system hit the Tstat set point. This could also result in the tenants on the good AC side complaining since there will be less cooling there. I agree with @Michael Karas, get the broken one fixed as soon as possible to avoid the extra work. If you choose to do this, and this duct is out of sight, put a damper in the extension so you can open/close as needed in the future. Replace the filter at the bottom of the broken unit with cardboard to restrict air from flowing backwards through the broken unit.