Thermostat Wiring – How to Connect Two Thermostats in Parallel


I saw a thread about connecting two thermostats in parallel.
I could not add comment to that thread, so I put question here.

My tenants always shut off thermostat or reduce temp when they are not in their unit during winter time. It has caused several pipe to become frozen and cause a flood, though I told them many times. They just want to save money for heating.

Now based on that thread, it seems that we could connect two thermostats in parallel. I am not sure whether it could meet my requirement.

What I want to do is: on the other side of the wall (with one thermostat), I add another one (that the tenants could not see), I connect them in parallel. Once the colder months come (in our state from September to April), legal requirement is to set temp at 64 F or above. In my side, I set heating on and set temp to 64 F, to the tenant's side, even they turn off thermostat or reduce temp below 64 F , their thermostat could not do anything unless they increase temp to 64 F or above. Do the parallel connections for both thermostats work that way? Thanks.

Best Answer

Legal issues aside... if there are any...

The thermostat on your side will be detecting your side's ambient temp, not their side's. So their side will be getting heat whenever (and only when) your side does. If the two sides are more-or-less equal in terms of their thermal properties (heat loss rates, etc.) it should work reasonably well.