Plumbing – How to Connect Water Supply to Central Humidifier


Upon troubleshooting the central humidifier, I realized that it isn't connected to a water supply line (new property woes). One end of the flexible copper pipe is connected to the humidifier and the other end has what I've learned is a saddle valve (encircled in blue) and needs to go. 

Existing copper line

The distance to the main supply is approx 5 feet and accessible. This is what is available at the main supply end.

A plumber that installed a softener earlier probably left this white pipe (encircled in red) in case I needed to add something later. I'm guessing this is where I can tap into for supplying water to the humidifier?

I also noted a sealed-off copper pipe (encircled in green) which I could/should use since that's the 'softened' water and may be healthier for the humidifier filter.

Water heater

I do not know how to solder and don't mind learning but I have basic DIY experience with push and compression fittings. The tools I have include a copper pipe cutter, deburring kit, DIY tools and the desire to buy more.

Which type of pipe do I need and how do I go about connecting everything end to end? Thanks.

Best Answer

It looks like you have a 1/4" water line run to the humidifier (what would feed a refrigerator ice maker). Assuming that the line size is sufficient, you should be able to fix this easily.

Pick one of your stubs to cut (with the water off, of course). If you opt for the PEX, get a plastic pipe cutter. If you opt for the copper, use your scoring cutter. Once you have the end cut off, put a standard 3/8" Sharkbite cutoff valve on (should be a 1/2" line for both), and then adapt it to 1/4". The logic here is you might need a 3/8" line after all and you'll only be out the cost of the adapter to switch later (plus 3/8" stuff is easier to find). Now, run 1/4" to where your current humidifier line ends (can just buy a braided ice maker line) and use a 1/4" coupler to connect the two.