Connecting downspout to first floor gutter


I am looking to connect my second floor downspout to the first floor gutter. In any sort of wind, the water misses the gutter completely and makes a big mess. I found the thread here very helpful for what I want to do but being new I cannot comment on it. What I cannot determine is if there is anything special I need to do to attach the downspout to the roof? Will 2 gutter screws at the top A style elbow be enough? I'm trying to avoid putting holes in the roof!

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I ended up using 2 A style 45 degree elbows, since the standard 70 degree elbows were too much. I then connected the downspout and gutter with the appropriate tiny screws. It's pretty sturdy and tonight's expected wind storm+rain should be a good test.

I wish I could get the colors to match better — I bought Linen, but I think I needed Almond. Oh well…

enter image description here

Best Answer

Do not put holes into roof.

Two screws into the outflow. If you are in a hurricane area or someplace with crazy winds you could put another 90 into the gutter which will keep the section on the roof from moving around too much. If you still feel that isn't adequate you could secure the lower gutter 90 to the lower gutter.