Connecting RING Video Doorbell to Friedland 454 chime unit


I have a Friedland 454 unit, with a front and rear bell push, mains wired in (no batteries).

It is correctly wired as per Haggis post with a front and back bellpush.

  • The terminals are numbered, clockwise from top left: 3, 0, 2, 1, 4.
  • Front-door bell-push connected to 0 and 1.
  • Back-door bell-push connected to 0 and 2 (which I've disconnected and you can see taped up on top left).
  • Mercury tilt switch connected across 1 and 2.
  • Transformer jumper wire connects 2 and 4

If I wanted to connect a Ring Video Doorbell WIRED to the front bellpush (I don't care about rear bellpush) what do I need to do? There is a jumper cable in the box but not sure which terminals to connect together to override everything and push power to the front bellpush wires (in order to power the Ring unit).

enter image description here

PS. I don't mind if the chime no longer works when doing this, I just need the power running to the door button.

Best Answer

two options:

Connect 1 and 3: that will send power to the button location, the chime will no longer work.

Connect 1 and 2: that will defeat the repeat mechanism, other than that the chime will continue to work the button location will see continuous current. I don't know if that will be enough for the Ring.

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