Cool 540 sq. ft. with a single A/C unit


I have a small apartment – about 540sq ft.

The layout:

enter image description here
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The red square would be the internal unit, and to the left and right I have 2 rooms.

I also have a 6 month old little girl, so I wouldn't want a unit in her room. I'm thinking that I could have a single unit, that would reasonably cool both rooms indirectly.

Will it be pointless? Should I go for a multi-split?

More info:

The doors stay open most of the time, and the windows are only on the right side of the building (as you see it in the picture). Each room also has a balcony, and that takes most of the sunlight. The sun enters the room usually after 4 pm during the summer.

The average temperature in the summer is around 90F, but can go up to 105F for stretches of 4-5 days.

Best Answer

Someone would need a lot of detailed information about your apartment to determine the actual cooling load. Even assuming you have a properly sized air con unit, it seems silly to me to spend good money on an air con system and then need to rely on box fans to get it to work right. You basically should have a fan/coil unit in each room that you require to be kept at a comfortable temperature.

If you do not, one room will inevitably be too cold and the other too hot. But on the average I suppose you could claim your apartment is comfortable ;)