Cosmetic fix for installing decking board when not parallel to house


I am expanding the deck that goes very far (35 x 48 feet ~ 1000 sqft). So I am pretty sure the further end will not perfectly parallel to the house. It could be 1-2 inch off from one end to the other end.

Imagine a scenario like this:

enter image description here

If I start to install the composite decking starting from the house, the one near the last board will end up like the red rectangle in the photo. So should I cut the last board in a weird way (one end is shorter than the other end)?

It's composite decking board so I cannot "play" with the gaps by having larger gaps or something like that. So I came up with few options:

Option 1:

I am thinking about doing the "picture frame" method around the edges by installing #1 and #2. Then at the end, I will install #3 (as photo below). But then I am wondering how many inches a composite decking board and "hangover" the edge of the trim joists?

enter image description here

Option 2:

Without using picture frame method, I would start installing the boards from the further end of the house. This will result in the odd looking board near the house right at the foot step. I am assuming it's "harder" to see the imperfection this way?

What would be the best cosmetic way to manage situation like this?

Best Answer

Look like I found my own answer here: as basically you could have 2.5 overhang and you can screw from bottom up at 45 degree angle. Interesting! If you the deck is totally not parallel and has more than 3 inches offset. I imagine the easy way to fix would be to "double" the trim joists with another joist that has spacer at one end?