Cost effectiveness of fireplace with insert vs electric furnace

central-heatingcost-effectiveenergy efficiencyfireplaceheating

Now that winter is here I have been using my fireplace (that has an insert) more and more instead of my furnace that has a electric heater. I was wondering which method of heating would be the most cost effective.

I pay $0.10/KWH for power and $5.00 for 0.60 cubic feet of wood.

The fireplace insert has a 80 watt motor that blows air.

There are a lot of articles about a fireplace is very inefficient since most of the air that your are heating is going up the chimney but there is little documentation on how a fireplace insert would change that. My assumption is that it would more efficient since the fire is in a chamber that is (more) sealed and the heat is being absorbed by the metal. There is also a small fan that blows the heat to the room.

Thanks for the help!

Best Answer

electricity, hands down.

electricity at $0.10 = $330 / cord. (using estimate from link)

your wood is $1,065 / cord. ( 128cuft/cord * (1/0.6) * $5 ). that's high btw...

the electricity is 100% efficient, inserts are roughly 50%. checkout for more info and comparisons.