Could a layman build a house from plans


i am looking at pre-made architectural house plans on the Internet ranging from 300 to 800 square feet, some multi-level. I have no housebuilding experience. I don't imagine many of the millennials for which these are designed do.. I'm not even an engineer.

The question is: could a layman millennial like myself build something like this? Or would the cost of hiring builders and buying material rival that of buying a house that already exists?

If the answer is 'yes – you can do it!' maybe you'll humour me with a response to the below:

What would a shortlist of requirements for a simple own house build look like? Any good reading suggestions?

If I were to start looking for land on which to build a house from plans. These are the two simple scenarios I imagine:

  1. Off the grid. No where near a water main. This is a no go for me.
  2. Water main under the ground that I would have to dig down to and pipe to the surface. Add pressure regulator, water meter etc. Assuming this is all I need. Or do people sell land designed for projects like this with some other 'pre-build' kind of plumbing set up I don't know about?

I'm basically thinking that the hardest part of building a house is the ol' plumbing and electricity.

What is the order of things then?

Dig a hole for the basement and foundation. Lay down some steel reinforced foundation footing and walls, a concrete slab. Dig another hole at the water main, pipe over my liquids and I'm good to go?

Best Answer

I used to have a teacher that said

Anyone can do anything given enough time and instruction.

That being said every trade has a learning curve to acquire the skills and required tools to accomplish the task.

I am a Master Electrician and have been in the construction industry for over 30 years. I am just finishing building a new house and here is what it have learned so far.

Some things are just not worth trying to do yourself.

So, here is what I hired out:

  • Excavation
  • water well
  • septic
  • poured walls
  • concrete flatwork
  • windows and exterior doors
  • siding
  • brickwork
  • garage doors
  • interior wall framing
  • basement stairway
  • drywall
  • air conditioning
  • ceramic tile
  • kitchen counters.

Here is what I have done / am doing myself or mostly myself with paid people to help me:

  • Framing
  • insulating
  • roofing
  • painting
  • concrete stain and seal
  • electrical
  • data
  • cableTV
  • security
  • smoke detectors
  • hot water heating
  • geothermal heat pump
  • solar water heater
  • photovoltaics
  • plumbing
  • interior doors
  • hardware
  • trim carpentry
  • kitchen cabinets.

I have been working in my spare time and paying out of pocket to avoid a large mortgage. It has taken me 6 years so far with about two more to go.

Sometimes I wish I had started this when I was much younger like yourself. On the other hand, I have acquired many more skills and patience in the last 20+ years that have helped me make this a great house.

Whatever you decide to do, understand that building even a small house is a complicated project and will require perseverance and patience. If you have ever spent a weekend doing a project then just multiply that by 1000 times or more, depending on the size of your house, and imagine how big a job this will be.

If you are still interested, then working in the construction industry for a few years first, will give you invaluable experience toward your goal.

Good luck!