Could I simply seal over this toilet leak


The leak is on the top-most (whitest) nut, where it meets the base of the tank as shown in the below photo (with an additional photo for context).

Would I be able to just throw a ring of silicone sealant between the white nut and the tank base?

Photo showing exact location of leak

Context photo, showing entire toilet base

Best Answer

To get the silicone to adhere you would have to stop the leak. This means you would have to drain the tank until there is no water to leak. A better approach would be to shut off the water, drain the tank, unscrew the water line connector, then unscrew the fill valve plastic nut. Then you can remove the fill valve. The problem is that it's tank seal/gasket is leaking. You need a new one, or a new fill valve (it comes with a new seal). Fill valves are cheap, so you're probably better off getting a new one.