Could this tube insulation be asbestos


I just need some opinions on this. I saw this outside my apartment (see picture attached below) and saw the pipe insulation outside my door just opposite at the neighbour's side (I just moved into new place…). I was worried that the yellow-brownish stuff around the pipe might be asbestos. What are the chances that it could have been asbestos?

Thanks a lot!

enter image description here

Best Answer

The inner section is definitely fiberglass, however the outer covering could be asbestos. I have worked on some industrial jobs where steam pipes were very similar. It should be tested to be sure. In 1 case they just painted the outer asbestos casing, in 2 others we removed all of it, big job and lots of safety gear and regulations.

With residential, in my area a homeowner can do the work but with commercial or industrial facilities, pros have to be hired, so it would be best to have it tested to know for sure so that safety or encapsulated processes can be taken to make it safe.