Cracked 4×4 that support some of the kitchen floor


picture worth 1000 words

enter image description here

this 4×4 was there for years, I'm a new owner since about 2 years, i didn't really notice or took picture of this 4×4 before.

should I be worried about this?

it support the entry door platform/stair going down and up and about 40-50 square foot of the kitchen floor, there is a dishwasher right above it

the steel beam that support the floor is on the other side of the platform (which is about 3 feet wide) (face of this 4×4)


video of the 4 sides, see description

Best Answer

Nothing too worrisome there - the check (seasoning crack) is not in a direction that affects the ability to carry a load. Looks like green material was used and it dried. It's a common occurrence for posts which include the pith (center) of the tree.