Cracks in the brick


I posted before that I have interior cracks in my house. Nail pops all over the house. And now I checked outside of my house I found cracks in the brick on the same side of the house.
House build in 1960 and I moved since 4 month only.

Does that mean all what is happening internally of cracks , nail pops dry walls looks like it’s splitting is foundation issue? Or settling or what is going on .

[crack on left side next to basement window]

* second photo for crack under the Uber level window on the same side left *

Some of the previous photos inside the house enter image description here

! Wall looks like splitting ]4

4: crawling space emphasized text

Best Answer

The cracks in your photo of the bricks are probably from the foundation settling. There are many reasons for it to settle. Most are due to the surrounding earth getting removed or saturated (soft and compressed). Either leaves the concrete/block unsupported. Due to the immense weight of the structure that area settles away from the supported part.

I don't believe you are in imminent danger of your house collapsing. Especially from the findings and evaluation of the home inspector.

So for now it would be best to caulk the crack in the exterior brick to prevent water from getting inside. This repair also will enable you to accurately verify if there is any further movement in that if you see a crack along the repaired joint in the future than the structure is still moving.