Curtain rod came off


enter image description here

What type of wall is it? I am new to this . How do i fix it and hang rod again. My curtains are heavy

Best Answer

This will require you to repair the area (similar to the repaired areas a few inches to the right of your current problem, which looks to be a previous issue identical to your current issue).

After repair, you will need to select and use appropriate hollow wall anchors, of which there are many types available depending on the weight and service of the material being attached. My presumption would be that either your curtains are heavy, or there is some other reason that the bracket was torn from the wall.

Use your Google-Fu to research different styles/types of anchors for different applications; there are just too many options to go into depth about here...

BTW, I have had good luck with these:

enter image description here

You will have the best luck if you are able to choose a new bracket location where you have some confidence that the wall is sound, rather than trying to anchor in a location where there was previous damage...