Cut part of the baseboard without removing it


I need to cut part of my baseboard so I can push the wardrobe all the way against the wall.

Ideally, I'd like to cut it installed, and pull only the part that needs to be removed.

I have patience, I know it is required as I'll have to cut slowly to prevent damaging the sides (that won't be removed).

What manual/hand tool would you suggest to cut the baseboard?

Once both sides are cut, I will use a puller to remove it from the wall, leaving the sides installed.

Thank you for any help!

Best Answer

If I had to cut a notch or section out of a baseboard, and I had to do it with hand tools, then I'd use a utility knife and/or a chisel. The knife can cut through the wood just a little with each pass. The chisel could be used on the waste side of the cut to remove wood chips so that the next pass with the knife can cut a little deeper. Best would probably be to use a well-sharpened chisel and skip the knife entirely -- in this case it would be similar to cutting a mortise with a chisel. (Search YouTube for a demonstration of that.)