Cutting and cleaning glass


My neighbor has offered me two panes of glass. They're about 40 x 100cm and stained in places by what I assume is some sort of oil (I haven't examined them closely).

I'm interested in making them into an enclosure for some of my indoor plants. I live pretty far up north, so it would allow me to grow some more interesting southerly species.

This would require cutting the panes several times and cleaning them.

I've seen glass-smiths (not sure what you call these dudes) cutting panes to size. They have a tool that looks a bit like a t-square, and once measured carefully they just run it once across and then sharply bend the end to crack it off.

Is cutting and cleaning your own glass worth the trouble? or should I pass on this offer?

Best Answer

The T-square is just that - a T-square for making sure that the glass is cut square, unless it has an integral glass cutter of course.

The tool they use is a glass cutter. It will have a diamond wheel or tip and scores the glass where it needs to be cut. Then a sharp tap will (hopefully) produce a clean break.

They should be easy to pick up at any hardware store. You might have more difficulty getting hold of a large enough T-square, but for a cold-frame you don't necessarily have to be 100% accurate.

Glass can be quite expensive. It would be worth getting a quote for buying the glass you would need and then compare to the cost of the tools you need to buy and your time.

However if (as chris points out in his comment) the glass is tempered then you won't be able to cut it. It will simply shatter if you try.