Dark spots on painted wall


The other day I covered up a mark on a painted wall using the same paint used before with a roller. The paint is Dulux emulsion paint and was stirred before use. It has been almost 24 hours since I applied the paint, but area I have painted over is now darker than the rest of the wall.

What can I do to fix this? What I don't want to do is repaint the entire wall or room.

Best Answer

In the original paint job; was the paint thinned before use ?

Did you use a roller or a brush to touch up ?

Sometimes paint settles to the bottom of the can: How old is the can of the existing paint ?

If the can of paint has been sitting - your paint pigments are stuck and coagulated on the bottom and you will need to mix them in. If you have had it for more than 2 years you are better off doing a paint match.

What you can do is take a piece of paint (a chip) from under an electrical outlet cover to get a match.

Your lid might have a label with the mix parameters printed on it along with a color sample as well. The mix parameters are the best and the match is the next best thing.

You might be able to repaint over the surface depending on how much darker the paint is. Also remember if the room gets plenty of sun light - the paint can fade and that might be what has really occurred.