Decent Brand Names for Beginner Carpentry


I have done a few small projects but nothing too extravagant without a table saw. I would like to get more into woodworking but the one tool I don't have right now it's a table saw. All the rest of my tools are craftsman, but I have seen other brands like Genesis and Rockford in my price range too. Is there a better between brands like these for starters or does it really mainly matter once you get into the higher priced equipment?

Best Answer

I think the typical "you get what you pay for" rule of thumb applies for the most part. That being said, sometimes things are cheap because they are not designed to last under heavy load like drills that use plastic gears instead of metal. In these cases, assuming you only lightly use the tool, they might last for decades. Some other tools are cheap because they are just poorly made. An example of this is a tablesaw whose guide isn't accurate or that slips when used. But again, it really depends what you are doing with it. If you are just doing rough cuts, a 1/16th slip might not be a big deal for you, but for precise work, it will.

The good thing about online shopping is that many of these products have customer reviews on them where you can read about actual experiences. I suggest that you review these for the tools you are considering and come to your own conclusions. Also talk to the staff at your local tool store - they usually have good insight on this type of thing.

Always keep warranty and return policy in mind - even expensive tools can break and the warranty makes the difference between years of service or a paper weight.