Deck Beam end cut at angle


I've searched high and low and can't find an answer to this. Why are deck beams cut on an angle at the ends? Is it cosmetic? Is so no sharp corner sticking out? Does it have something to do with reducing rot?

example img from

See image attached below.

Best Answer

I'm not aware of any reason for the corner of deck beams to be clipped like that other than for cosmetic purposes or clearance from something else.

My rafter tails have a lovely curved end and a little decorative notch in them, however, my deck beams are not cut back at all. The rafter tails are exposed & nicely decorated (as are most of them in our older - late 1800s to early 1900s - town), but I'm about to sister them up with square ends to hang soffit & fascia boards to cover them all up.

Most of the deck ends I've noticed around town are cut square and not clipped at all.

Figured I should make an answer out of this