Decrease dust in an old house, forced air


My house was built in 1940. I have noticed the forced air pushes out a lot of dust. This is evident from lint collecting on the bathroom vanity below a vent. It only collects lint during Summer and Winter when the forced air is blowing. I change the air filter every month but there's still significant dust. How effective would it be to hire someone to clean the vents? Is there a DIY option?

I've heard the amount of dust depends on how tightly the house is built. This makes me think that with such an old home, cleaning the vents would only be a temporary fix.

Best Answer

i would suggest having an HVAC contractor visit to examine all of your ductwork. My guess would be there are wholes, gaps, or rips in the ducts whereupon the system in operation is pulling the dust in from wall cavities, basement or attic (depending on where the ductwork runs). Once the contractor (or yourself) seals up and/or replaces any ductwork then you could consider having them vacuumed out. Also, you should probably put this high on your priority list because interior air quality is really important for controlling allergies and general health. Good luck!