Demolish in a home with asbestos while tenants are living there


I have a situation here with asbestos.

I have a residential home that I'm renting out. Because of water damage inside the drywall I called my homeowner's insurance company and made a claim to fix the wet drywall to avoid potential mold there.

The insurance company referred me to some company that would dry the water damage and fix it.

The water damage company told us that they will do inspection holes to be able to dry the interior. That company did an asbestos test because the building was built before 1980 and might have any asbestos in the house interior, and they found 2% of chrysotile asbestos

After that the company cut 3 holes (of 1 square meter) in the wall and cleaned up everything and left the inspection holes uncovered.

I am in the State of Nevada.

My questions are:

  1. What are the particular standards for removing asbestos from a rental home while tenants are inside? Are there any state codes that they have to use?

  2. Who has liability for the tenants?

  3. Can the tenants sue the landlord or the insurance company or the company that did the drywall cuts, if there was any deviation from the process of the drywall demolition?

Best Answer

  1. Yes, there are industry accepted standards and various laws that must be adhered to. If the asbestos is this prevalent, do not attempt to remediate it yourself. Hire an asbestos abatement contractor and let them handle the compliance.

  2. Consult your lawyer.

  3. Consult your lawyer.