Exterior Brick – How to Detail Vertical Brick to Siding Transition


My old East Coast row home has a wood framed addition that was built in to the existing extended party wall. Where the rear face, which is vinyl sided, joins the perpendicular brick wall, there is a gap that I want to close. How should this be flashed/otherwise detailed? The J-channel is proud of the brick.

The close up shows the current transition. There's a piece of metal flashing under the J-channel and folding back behind the brick.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Rear House Detail of brick meeting vinyl

Best Answer

I would want a Z-flashing capping the end of the brick as an aesthetically clean (professional) and reliable solution. You need to flash to a point where you either have natural gravity drainage or you can caulk to a straight, flat surface, and you want to cover the irregular brick edge to conceal it. The flashing could be color-matched with the brick to reduce visual impact.

I'm not sure whether you could install this without uninstalling the vinyl (not a huge job), but here's what I would do if I was starting from scratch.


  |       | _________ 
  | brick |||‾‾‾‾‾‾
 ||_______|||__ <-- J-channel
      ^-- custom Z-flashing with terminal hem

If you didn't want a complete cap on the brick you could stop it short of the left-hand corner and use a foam gasket or caulk to close things up.