Digital TV pixelation of picture at Manchester using Winter Hill


I believe our closest transmitter is Winter Hill. Lately, our digital TV has been playing with severe pixelation and sound cracking up. Now, our so called "qualified" electrician fitted the socket plate for us. Looks like the type you see on the back of the TV. It's as loose as anything. What should I replace it with?

Also if this doesn't fix it what can I do before we call the engineer? Our LG smart TV is saying the strength of the signal is 80% but the quality is 0% most of the time, but it fluctuates.

I moved the LED TV to the other room which doesn't use a face plate. It's a direct connection from the aerial. This works absolutely fine. It appears this particular engineer knows what he's doing which is good. The signal quality status according to the tv is also MILES better. It has a strength meter built into one of the menus.

I can only assume The issue is with the faceplate. It's the connection on the faceplate that's loose and always has been loose from day one. The faceplate is fixed onto the wall properly. I hear F connectors are better for digital TV. Would the following be better?

Best Answer

Digital TV, unlike analog, tends to be all-or-nothing. If you've got strong enough signal you get perfect rendering; if you don't you get the kinds of symptoms you've described and the only fix is to get stronger signal (better antenna, possibly an external RF booster amp, switch to a set that has better amps internally, or give up on over-the-air).