Dishwasher: Can the ground wire be exposed


I just replaced my dishwasher, and noticed that the old unit had two wire connections: black-to-black wire and white-to-white wire. The ground wire from the home was exposed and wrapped around a screw on the unit.

Now, my new unit has a green wire for ground. Is it okay to simply connect the exposed ground wire to the green wire on the unit? The alternative would be to re-strip all of the wires so that the ground is not exposed (but, I'd rather not).


Best Answer

grounding in a home IS exposed. Consider every metal water line, gas line - in older homes those were used as the grounding mechanism. The ground is connected to the metal body of appliances, tools etc. In case of short in the system the current will pass through the body of the appliance through the ground wire to the panel and then to the dedicated ground rod.

What you should do is check to see that the wire is actually grounded. If you can read 110V on a meter when one lead it connected to the 'hot' lead and the other meter lead is connected to the ground - then usually indicates good ground.