Do command strips work on the ceiling


I've used these command strips around the house to hang pictures on the wall and so on (command strips is the brand name, sorry I don't know the generic name).

I'm thinking of getting a pan hanger in the kitchen and using these strips to attach it to the ceiling (rented accommodation, not allowed to drill holes etc.)

But I wonder whether these things will work as well on the ceiling. They're rated up to 7.2 kg and all the pans together are not that heavy, but they do weigh substantially more than a picture.

Has anyone used them on the ceiling?

Edit: the consensus seems to be against using this. Command's ceiling hooks are only rated up to about 200g, so they're no good. Does anyone else know of another brand which is strong enough to allow hanging 'real' things off the ceiling?

Best Answer

I would absolutely not use those for hanging cookware from a ceiling, no matter how smooth.

  1. Command strips are designed to carry load in shear, parallel with their mounting surface. Your application would have the load in tension, perpendicular to the adhesive. This would result in detachment with much smaller loads or in a shorter timeframe.

  2. The finished surface of the ceiling will also be subjected to tension stress, which could possibly result in severe damage to the paint or underlying paper (in the case of drywall).

  3. You risk serious damage or injury if (when) it all does let go. If history is any guide, this will happen in the dead of night, possibly triggering a violent, dazed, and comical assault on the "intruder" by your home's occupants.