Do I need a gravel pad beneath skids on the finished shed


I'm getting a 14×14 finished shed built in Austin, TX. The builders are using 30-year pressure treated 4×4 skids, which they raise off the ground on 4" blocks. The area drains well. They claim that this provides enough protection from rot.

Another guy I talked to said that I should either raise it 12" or put a gravel pad underneath (which he'll do for a reasonable price).

Which plan is correct?

Best Answer

I would believe the builders over some guy any day.

Will a taller block and gravel make a difference? Sure it will but if you have good drainage it really won’t matter.

I have seen folks dig out earth and put rock down for the same reason “a guy said to” worst choice for them there soil was a high clay content so the rock pit filled and held water (yes it started to smell) a drainage system had to be added. If a simple plastic vapor barrier with the 4” blocks will do better than rock and taller blocking.