Do I need an architect


I apologize now if the answer is obvious, but I'd like to be absolutely sure before proceeding with out an architect.

I have purchased land that I intend to build a house on, and I'm now at the stage where an architect would typically draw up or look over the construction plans. I have drawn my own plans, and while I am not an architect, I am a licensed (PE) mechanical and electrical engineer (two degrees and licensed as both). This will be the first house I've built, but it is my understanding that an engineer signs off on and seals the work of the architect.

My two-fold question is this: can I approve my own designs given my professional occupation and licensure, and if so, can I forego the architect step if I am the one signing off on the design? In short, can I design and approve my own plans because I am a licensed engineer, or do I still have to employ an architect and/or another engineer to sign off on plans myself or an architect has created?

Best Answer

This is really a regional legal question more than anything. You'll have to ask your local building code enforcement office. Typically, though, no, no one needs an architect...just someone that can approve the engineering (be it 3rd party, or the jurisdiction, itself).

Now, there are arguments for and against hiring an architect in general (outside of sign-offs) but that's a different question.

FWIW, we just bought land and are designing it ourselves. Alas, I am not an engineer, so will be having to go 3rd party for that.