Do I need ductwork for a through-wall exhaust fan


We have a small wine fridge beneath our counter that was having temperature problems because there was no ventilation to allow the heat to exhaust. The other side of the wall behind the fridge is a half bath, so our solution was to cut a hole in the wall and mount a fan which would blow the hot air out into the bathroom (pictures attached) – so far it seems to be working great! My one hesitancy is that in the 5 inches between the fan and the vent, there's no duct work, just open wall, so there's a good chance some hot air is just going into the wall. Is this a problem?

Best Answer

Other than the electrical issues I would not be worried about duct work two much you are pulling the heat out of the fridge so that should if anything pull air through if you are concerned a 2x 4 or 2x6 wedged in the cavity would stop almost all the air flow. I have used listed window fans for air movement through living spaces but never a fan not in an enclosure that is plugged in.