Do I need to fill with spackle or can I paint directly


I have the corner of my wall chipped a little

enter image description here

Do I need to fill this with spackle or can I paint directly?

Also, will spackle absorb moisture and cause problems this way?

This is in the bathroom.

(I tried to fill in with spackle but it fell out. It turned out to be super hard to fill in because it's on the corner).

So again, my questions are:

  1. Can I touch up with paint directly?
  2. Does spackle in the bathroom cause problems due to absorbing moisture?


Best Answer

If I were you, I would add some primer and then just paint. If you use a semi-gloss or high gloss enamel, you shouldn't have any major problems with the metal.

You can always try to spackle this, but you'll run into two problems

  1. It's a corner
  2. It's metal underneath