Do I sand or power wash the deck


Greetings community of fixers, I have an aging deck that will be torn down and replaced within (hopefully) 5 years. In the meantime, I'm trying to determine the best course of action to keep it maintained and safe for Viv the Kid (2 years old).

I'd like to repaint the deck so the color is lighter. It was suggested I sand it down with some rented equipment, replace boards that need replacing, then stain with new coat.

So far we've gone over all the deck screws to be sure all are sunk or removed. Is sanding the way to go?

I don't mind the look of a lighter deck with darker handrails and worse case I stick with the same color.View of majority of deck Another view of worn deck

Best Answer

Personally, I'd power wash it and apply a thick deck restoring product since you plan to replace in a few years.

This is an example of such a product, but I'm not endorsing any product or seller. This one is nice because it is tintable.