Floor – Transition Joints for Tile Floors at Room Entries


Hello I have a question regarding setting down some tiles. I tried researching the topic but I was unsuccessful. I posted a picture of the rooms that i will be setting down tiles. Which consist of 4 rooms and 2 bath rooms. I was wondering, when you start a room do you only lay the tiles down in that room and cut it off at the door way Or do you allow it to transitions in to the hallways/rooms?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Typically, tile layout flows from one room to the next. It would be visually disruptive to have extra joints at each doorway. You'll want to establish a single reference line, along with a perpendicular line at an appropriate location, and work from those.

If you exceed say 30 feet in length it may be prudent to install an expansion gap. You'll want to talk with your tile supplier about that. We don't know where you live, what your subfloor situation is, or what you're installing.