Do to keep the shed (or house) free of spiders


I've got an old shed at the end of my garden, this summer I gave it a complete cleanout, but within a few weeks it was back to its cobweb infested state. Being quite an arachnaphobe, it makes getting stuff in/out quite an uncomfortable challenge.

I'm thinking of getting a new shed (old one is falling apart) but I'm concerned about how I can tackle these 8 legged critters. I'm fine with any other bugs, just not spiders.

I've heard that putting conkers (horse chestnuts) around the corners helps, as there is something they don't like about conkers. I've also heard that trying to "seal" up the shed with a caulk gun may work also, but I'm looking for confirmation on these or addition suggestions

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Spiders are predators, they go where the food is. If spiders are attracted to your shed, it means prey insects are attracted to your shed. Get rid of the prey.

  • Remove nearby vegetation and organic matter that provides food/shelter for bugs

  • Remove any standing water (bird baths, puddles, soil that soaks up moisture)

  • Remove light sources (bugs fly towards light)

  • Stain/paint exposed wood to make it less attractive to bugs

  • Fill gaps in the shed where bugs are getting inside to get out of the elements (caulk)

  • Regularly apply spray pesticides to the exterior surface of the shed to discourage insects from hanging around. Also apply it to any crevices in the inside.

  • Look at more "natural" oils and plants that repel insects.