Do to prevent injuries from the corners of a wooden deck


We recently had the floor of our wooden deck replaced and in the process, the contractor changed it from having cut-off corners to having real corners.

I am concerned with how the new corner sticks into the backyard so kids playing there might run into it. This was previously not a problem because the deck did not have sharp corners.

What can I put on the corner to protect people in the yard that will be durable and easy to install and maintain (looking good is ideal too)?


Here is a picture of the issue:

Outline of Deck

The old deck is the black outline and the new deck adds to it the red areas as well.

I currently do not have exact measurements but here is an approximation:

  • The deck is approx. 20' x 10'. There are 4 steps down to the yard on the right-hand side (not shown).
  • The yard's total size is around 60' x 30' in the same orientation as the deck. There is a swing set and a 12' octagonal trampoline as well as several trees.

Best Answer

Go to a Marina and get some dock corner bumpers. It's probably the least ugly solution.

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