Do you need to service air conditioning units


We recently had an air conditioning unit repaired. When had done the job, the guy asked when the last time was that we had our units serviced, and looked shocked when we said we never service them; all we do is clean out the dust filters. He says we should service them at least once a year, otherwise parts are liable to get damaged. Of course, the fee is no small amount; it's a significant percentage of the cost of the unit itself, and we have 8 units in the house.

We've had our units for several years, and none of them have ever been serviced, nor have they ever broken down for lack of servicing. Have we just been lucky, or is there no real need to service these things?

Best Answer

Annual maintenance is recommended by the manufacturers, and installers of the systems. The majority of the maintenance time, will be spent on cleaning the unit. Keeping the unit clean will help keep it running more efficiently, and can increase the life of the unit.

The technician will inspect the unit to insure it's still in good condition, and will look for parts that may be near the end of their life. Replacing parts before they fail, can save you the headache of replacing them when they fail (which will surely be on the hottest day of the year). Replacing part before they fail, can also help prevent damage to other parts of the unit.

Depending on which company does the service, they may actually measure the amount of cooling the system is providing. They may also check for refrigerant leaks in the system, but likely only if the refrigerant level is low. If you have any questions or concerns, they'll likely address those at this time.

While these units can run trouble free for many years without maintenance. Keeping them clean and in good repair, can save you money and reduce the chances of a failure. Of course you can do some of the work yourself, but often it's easier to pay somebody else to do it.