Does a Skylight need to be installed with the dedicated flashing system


I'm looking at this product

enter image description here

for a garden office roof but I could not find the corresponding flashing kit for the roof material I was planning to use, which is this:

enter image description here

The closest type of flashing I could find was this

enter image description here

but I'm not sure if it would be suitable for the chosen roofing material?

Best Answer

I just searched for a kit and it looks like the one you have picture is by Velux, and it illustrates it on the same roof you plan to use. Perhaps that is the way to go.

It may tell you this in the instructions for the flashing install, but on the piece below the skylight, I would flatten out the standing ribs just a bit to help ease the membrane over the top of the lower piece. That way no sharp corner could pierce the membrane.