Does a small bolt cutter exist which tensions with a wrench


Does anyone know if there a bolt cutter which tensions using a wrench?

The closet I can find is a nut splitter, but it is not really intended for cutting…

enter image description here


I need to cut iron rods (I would prefer to use steel rods, if I can cut them) of 5mm to 10mm in thickness. I have looked at bolt cutters, but the ones I could try out in the shop couldn't open wide enough and is just not handy for me. I am 159cm.

When I search for "hydraulic pliers" it begins to look promising, but all I can find are for cables, which I suppose are for soft metal such as copper and the blades doesn't look to completely close.

With hydraulic it just means how it works internally in the tool. A wrench is still needed for tension, which I also feel more comfortable with safety wise.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Given you want to cut up to 10mm, then consider a set of bench mounted shears.

Can’t do an image as I am on a smartphone, but the handle is usually long enough that 10mm is easy.

See an example here:

Compared to cutting discs or saws there is less waste, sparks etc but the end is not usually perfectly square.

Edit, have to borrow this from Alaskaman: be very careful - they are designed to cut steel so bone is no problem...