Does an electric plug exist which would prevent accidental removal from the socket


I own a commercial AC which according to the technician should never be unplugged while running. At the moment the device is plugged into one of these sockets shown below. These are old swiss sockets but the successor model is only marginally better to prevent accidental disconnection. Are there any plugs / mechanisms which could prevent accidental disconnection?

EDIT: Actually the technician said the correct procedure is to shutdown the device and then wait for at least 5min before unplugging. Thanks @Harper for priming my memory.

Old swiss electrical socket

Best Answer

Replace the plug with a 90 degree one where the cable would run directly downwards and clamp the cable to the wall about 10cm away. This will prevent removal in any manner that I would consider "accidental".

90 degree swiss power plug enter image description herestick-on cable tie