Does primer lose its bond surface after a period of time


I read somewhere that you should paint a few days after applying primer or the primer may lose its ability to bond with the paint.

Is this true and what happens if you have to wait for a week after applying the primer before you can paint ?

Best Answer

Yes but in real world sense, no. Yes it does lose its binding principles due to other molecules/materials interfering with its surface or its surface decaying (at a super super low rate).

Your main enemy is grease, dirt, and dust. You will have to clean the walls well (use soapy bucket and scruffy sponge, let it dry after cleaning then Windex and paper towels after). As far as chemically breaking down it does but at a slow rate. You can tell when it does because it gets shiny and flat looking - takes years.

The other part of it is that newer paints that are quality are paint/primer combos. You are good if you clean it well after it sits a year.