Doors – Adjacent doors hitting each other


I have two doors at a 90-degree angle to one another and the doors hit each other when they are opened the full way.

I guess I could mount a door stop on one of the doors, but it seems kind of weird to put a doorstop on a door.

Another option might be to remount both the doors to either/both change the handedness or swing direction, but that would be a lot more work.

How can I keep these doors from hitting when opened?

Best Answer

Another solution: Make one of them close to avoid clashing.

I reversed my kitchen door so it opens into the hallway instead of into the room. That means it can clash with the cloakroom door if that's left half open. I solved it by fitting a (very gentle, in fact modified with a weaker spring) automatic closer to the cloakroom door, so it doesn't stop half open.

Rehanging a door can be tricky but is perfectly doable with reasonable DIY skills. It's one of the simplest tasks for which you need a decent set of chisels (in fact it's the main reason I even have chisels). The job needs proper planning: when I did mine there was enough space on the new side of the frame to make it simple but had it been on a different (non-structural) wall it would have been much harder.