Doors – Are steel exterior doors reversible


We're thinking of flipping the direction our front door opens. We have a solid (meaning no window), steel front door–likely something from the cheap-end of the spectrum from Home Depot.

I'm looking at it and it appears reversible. Both sides are the same, the hinge mounts go through the entire width of the door. There's nothing unique about the hardware on either side.

Safe to assume it's reversible?

Best Answer

Your front door probably currently opens inward. If you try to just flip the door such that you so not have to change around the hardware on the door (old outside becomes inside and old inside becomes outside) then the door would be oriented to as to open outwards. The door's frame is likely not at all compatible with this.

If the hardware on the door can truly be flipped such that the hinges can be swapped to swing from the other edge and the latch and deadbolt can be flipped side for side then you have a good start. However it is not just the door that you have to look at. There is also the door jamb that would require some significant work. The hinge cutouts need to move to the opposite side as well as the latch and deadbolt holes and strike plates. This consideration is probably best done by just replacing the whole door jamb as trying to patch the old hinge cutouts and latch holes can always look like a patch job.