Doors – Broken screw head door hinge


My door is missing the strike plate and its keep opening up when there is a slight draft. So if I align the door it goes into the strike plate without any issues. I believe its a loose screw. So, I tried to remove the screws and reinsert them.

When I did that I have one struck screw and two broken screw heads in a door hinge. 1 I was able to extract. 🙁

I tried to extract it with "Tack Life damaged screw extractor".

I am not sure what my other options areenter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

That looks like a mobile home door. I would drill that screw head off and simply move the hinge up or down a bit. You would only be able to see one screw hole and the door will still close fine. You could put some colored wood putty in the hole if it's unsightly to you. I've done that many times in the past.