Doors – Cracks appearing on window and door frames (not the wall) all over a newly purchased home

cracksdoorswindow frame

I've noticed thin cracks becoming visible on multiple door and window frames where the horizontal and vertical wood of the frames join (on the corners.)

It appears they were just painted over and they are all reappearing. I also noticed 2 of the doors have become harder to open/close in the last few weeks. Moved into the house in the summer and this began in the winter.

Could it be weather related?

We've discovered other evidence of shoddy work by the developers so I'm concerned this may be a sign of something much more serious.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Pretty much just normal shrinkage in winter as things dry out, possibly aggravated by using damp wood or not running A/C in the hot/wet summertime - so if replaced/installed/painted before you moved in in the summer, it would be swelled up, and as you run heat and indoor humidity falls in the winter, the wood shrinks.

Personally I'd suggest waiting through a year or two before fixing it unless it's the top of your spousal unit's issues with life in general or the house in specific - once it's "cycled" a few times it will move less (not none) in the future so a fix will be more likely to stay fixed. But's basically paintable caulk and paint to fix it, nothing major to get excited about.