Doors – Door sweep install, why can’t I make a hole in the metal door


I have a drafty door and attempted to install a door sweep like this. When I try to drill holes for the screws, nothing happens. I mean, I started with my power drill and a general purpose bit, but it barely made a small divot in the door surface, then the bit broke. I tried getting a nail and hammer and punching through the door, but I didn't even cause it any damage. I tried various other drill bits and self tapping screws, no effect, even after running the drill for several minutes.

Any insight?

I'm not a pro but I've done a good bit of building and diy before and have never not been able to put a hole in something before.

Here is the door, and the attempted screw location.
the door
all the damage I did with drill, hammer, etc in an hour
The drill bits, by request
drill bit set
I tried for a close up
close up

Best Answer

For drilling into steel, use Cobalt drill bits (usually a dark black or gold) have a blunt tip with a "nub" instead of a point.