Doors – Door trim coming off


Hoping to get some insight, or light in this dark forest. I live in Vancouver Canada. This winter I noticed the exterior door by the garage was leaking. I believe it was leaking from the bottom-side door sill! So I caulked the sides of the door sill. Seems to be doing the job until yesterday. As I no longer see water marks on the inside bottom corners. Last week was an awesome weather so humidity was pretty low, just darn too sunny.

I found out that the interior side top door trim was pushing away from the wall. And I also found out that there was a gap between the exterior side top part of the door trim(photos).

Could it be just the moisture from the previous leak just drying up inside the wall causing this? Like Im hoping it is but seems odd that the wster would leak on from the door sill and months later when it dries all up the top of the door trim starts to shift.. What are your thoughts? Just caulk the gap? 🙂

Thanks guys,

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Best Answer

It looks like the jamb is pulling away from the jamb extension at the top of the door.

I don't think this is water related. You have a decent overhang and you have a metal jamb flashing header.

If I had to guess I'd say your jamb wasn't secured at the top and someone kicked/bumped/rammed it and the jamb was pushed inside displacing the interior trim and detaching from the weakly attached jamb extension.