Doors – How to frame a wall around existing exterior door


Framing a basement. I have a an exterior door that is set in the poured foundation. I'm building my wall that runs parallel to foundation that has the existing door and is ~2-4" from the foundation. How do I frame this opening? Of particular concern, if I from perpendicular from the wall to the in-swing door, it would seem that I wouldn't be able to open the door more than 85-90 degrees.

Edit: added pictures for more clarity
enter image description here

enter image description here

Edit 2: Added diagram of proposed layout (minus solution)

enter image description here

Edit 3. Added new diagram
enter image description here

Edit 4. 4th times a charm
enter image description here

Best Answer

Thanks for the picture & diagram updates, your initial question was a little unclear to me. You'll have to move the door in order for it to open more than 90-degrees & to flat upon the wall.

Move the door, its jamb & threshold inside to be flush with the new stud wall's drywall finished surface elevation for a full door swing. Then, extend the door jamb (sides & top) out to the exterior wall & re-apply the exterior trim. This provides a good exterior recess & overhang to protect the door & threshold from weather & spiders will love it.

Additionally, since your door will now be mounted to your interior stud wall instead of the very & completely solid foundation wall. You'll want to solidify the stud wall & attach it to the door's existing framing with a toe-nailed or toe-screwed 2x4 bridging connector. This will also assist greatly with the jamb extensions & their seamless alignment.